Rain, rain, go away


I hate the rain!



This puts me at odds with most Jordanians who, although inconvenienced by the rain, love it because it is a “gift from God” and rare and important and kaza, kaza, kaza



But really, c’mon! What do people even do in the rain?

I’ve already received multiple suggestions from friends to stay home all day

(“Julie, no saying ‘I’m American, I’m used to this’ and going outside… khalas you’re Arab now, stay home)

… and as further proof that I am becoming Jordanian, I don’t even feel like stubbornly ignoring them to itla3 baiti (leave my home)

So KHALAS whatever weather, you win. Its been twice in the past few weeks that I’ve capitulated to bad weather, and I am kteer unhappy about it… On the other hand, I’ve now been gifted an unexpected day of free time by myself… which has already resulted in 1 blog post rant and 1 hour spent trying to learn an Arabic lullaby..

I guess its not so bad after all….