A New Adventure

I alluded recently to my new work (with aforementioned roommate Nadine) but have yet to elaborate. So, as a minor life update, we are working with the International Organization for Migration (IOM). I started volunteering with them during my Fulbright and am now working full time in the Public Information department. Its been a great experience, and IOM is a wonderful organization doing important work all over the world.

Our corner of this organization is IOM-Iraq, which is remotely based in Amman but works in Iraq to assist internally displaced people, returnees, and local host communities. Its been a great learning experience for me, as someone who previously knew little about the situation in Iraq. The situation there is complicated and remains dire; organizations like IOM are making a big difference on the ground to help people whose communities are in need and whose security remains fragile.

IOM-Iraq has also been helping Syrian refugees in Iraq. Iraq is not the first place people think of when reflecting on the Syrian crisis, yet at present UNHCR estimates over 160,000 Syrians have fled there. Resources are stretched, and there is great need.

girls DOMIZ

The largest camp is Domiz Camp, in Dahuk governorate of Iraqi Kurdistan. Nadine recently visited this camp as well as Erbil governorate to collect material about IOM’s response to the Syrian crisis. Thereafter, IOM produced a report about the response — You can read it and see photos from the field here on IOM’s website: Relief Beyond Immediate Needs

Nadine also has been documenting the stories of IOM beneficiaries. They are beautiful and inspiring films, which I am excited to share with you. Check out the first one here, and the rest will be up soon on IOM’s YouTube.

So, al muhimI have been really happy in this new work, learning about a new corner of the Middle East, and contributing to a new organization’s humanitarian efforts. Its also worth saying, that of course, nothing I write is representative of IOM and all reflects my own opinions. However you can learn more about the important work IOM is doing by following IOM here on Facebook or checking out IOM Iraq’s website here!