Learning Arabic culture from a pick up line…

First I was like, “ma’sha’allah…”

Then I was like, “in’sha’allah…”

Thawab told us that pick up line today and we all died laughing. For anyone whose lived/travelled/studied the Arab world, its a pretty funny pick up line. For someone who has not… let me walk you through the cultural context needed in order to understand — juuuuust in case you one day find yourself surrounded by shabab trying to woo you in such a tacky way..

First I was like, “ma’sha’allah…”

Ma’sha’allah is a phrase someone uses when they are complimenting you.

Its literal translation: “It is as God wills”

It ties into the both the idea of the evil eye and the idea of jealousy — as well as, in contrast, the idea of generosity. For example, if I compliment you on your new dress (“your dress is beautiful!”) without adding “mash’allah” at the end, then perhaps I am jealous of your dress. I am coveting it. I am wishing it was mine and it was not yours. In short, I am figuratively casting the evil eye on it — and maybe something bad will happen because of this evil jealously (the dress rips, you spill on it, etc). Therefore to avoid all these bad things and show that I am just complimenting you, not coveting the dress, I say: “your dress is beautiful, ma’sha’allah.”

This is also important because, as I’ve mentioned before, Arabs are so gosh darn nice! So if I tell you your dress is beautiful, often your first response might be to offer it to me – because I like it and I am your friend. Which, of course, is not the point of my compliment! So again I say “ma’sha’allah” and it signals that you having the dress is “as God willed.”

Then I was like, “in’sha’allah”

In’sha’allah is one of the most commonly used words here – and most of the Arab world.

Its literal translation: “if God wills.”

Its really used for just about anything.

With a friend, “Let’s meet tomorrow for lunch” – in’sha’allah

As a student, “In’sha’allah you will do well on your test”

In a taxi, “I want to go to Mecca Mall” – in’sha’allah

The whole idea behind this being that things happen according to God’s will. Which on the one hand brings up ideas of God controlling things or extreme religiosity — but on the other hand is also common to Christian faith (“god willing” I will pass my test) — or even for an atheist, just the idea of fate, or everything happens for a reason (#TinaProulx). Here, the form that takes is: something willl happen “if God wills it.”

Which brings us back to the pick up line in full. Do you get it yet?

At the risk of sounding silly if you’ve already put two and two together.. here’s the spelled out explanation.

At first I was like, “ma’sha’allah”
(complimenting something beautiful)

Then I was like, “in’sha’allah”
(God willing, something will happen)

Hilarious, right? …we thought so too.
