Highs, Lows, Weirdos – Starbucks theme

Low: I have become a regular at Starbucks. #ajnabi

(hashtag translation: #ajnabi ——> #foreigner #whitegirl #american #notfromhere)


Weirdo: After two weeks of occasionally doing my homework, making lesson planning, and overpaying for coffee in Starbucks, I have made friends with other (local) regulars who now correct my Arabic over my shoulder, show me pictures of their family, and share their MacBook chargers. Plus, the barista asked if we could be language partners… only in Jordan!


High: Initially I thought the whole barista-language partner idea was a bit of a conflict of interest — which could potentially limit my ability to drink iced lattes and leisurely use free wifi… BUT as it turns out, the barista is not only wicked nice but also knows hardly any English. So I really enjoyed our post-shift teaching session! We sat and I taught present tense verb conjugation — saying every direction/explanation/sentence in English and then Arabic. I left after 45 minutes feeling like I actually imparted valuable knowledge (which inshallah I will do a lot once my university class starts…) plus really put my Arabic language to a practical use.


All in all, I guess I am secretly enjoying the Starbucks, Amman scene…
